Monday, October 17, 2011

Episode 2 download works now

To anyone who tried to download last week's episode and discovered that they couldn't, the link is now fixed. Sorry about that! We're new to this.

Recording episode 3 tomorrow, keep your eyes peeled on the blog!


1 comment:

  1. Hey TwoLoudGuys!

    ImPared ToM here, lifelong listener, big fan, huge fan even, especially of those deep loud voices yall got.

    My first question is: who would win in a "big man on bass" war, Crash McLarson or Gene Simmons? Both are pretty big guys I must say.

    Second question: Can a word for word lyrical interpretation of an OF song be done on the air?-you can think about this one and do it in episode 4 so that its witty and not shitty.

    Final question: Please compare Super Market (Domo and Ace) with The Irony of It All (The Streets). Identify: The better song overall, and which song uses the back and forth verses more effectively.


    ImPared ToM
