Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Episode 30 coming tomorrow

Hey hey! We'll be releasing Episode 30 tomorrow evening, and then the episode after will be on Monday as we promised.  So it's a Two Loud Guys double shot (almost)!  So yeah, we'll be filling your ear canals with the sweet, sweet mucous of our voices soon.  GET PUMPED!


Monday, May 14, 2012

We're totally sick.

Hello all.

This is totally shitty because we're just starting our new schedule now, but it looks like this week's episode is going to be late.  What I thought was a simple hangover has morphed into some ungodly feverish type thing - hence why I'm posting this at 6:45 AM.  Based on pure conjecture, it's possible that I have food poisoning, though I can't yet verify that - I'm going to the doctor today hopefully so we'll see.  If that's not enough information for you, I could tell you my complete pooing schedule, but that probably would not delight you. And Corey was so sick yesterday that he couldn't even go celebrate Mother's Day with his mama!  So yeah, we're not in the best of health at the moment, which runs contrary to being loud, which is, y'know, kind of our namesake.  We'll be recording the episode ASAP, and will update you on this here blog as we try to heal our sloppy selves.  Sorry folks.

Peace and Love,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Episode 29 Links

Rush - Headlong Flight and Cygnus X-1 Book II: The Hemispheres

Beach Boys - That's Why God Made The Radio

Jack White - I Guess I Should Go To Sleep

Spiritualized - Hey Jane

In Mourning - A Vow To Conquer The Ocean

Death Grips - I've Seen Footage

Parlovr - General Hell (True Love Fades) Couldn't find any studio tracks from the album because it's not out yet, but this is a pretty good representation of them. - Daniel

Venom - Black Metal Lay down your soul to the gods rock n roll! - Corey

Gorgoroth - Ritual

Slayer - South Of Heaven

Motley Crue - Red Hot This song is just as 'metal' as the previous three links, so go cry to your mama. - Corey 

Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique (full album) RIP Adam "MCA" Yauch

Friday, May 4, 2012

Change in schedule

Hey peoples,

We're changing podcast release day to Mondays, on account of a few summer schedule changes.  Episode 29 will be on Monday, and from then on (until otherwise noted), it's gonna stick to then.  Just a heads-up! Catch you on Monday.